everything livia


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Why I blog every nite

Well, it's firstly for my frens hoo read, almost everyday.

i now haf a super convenient fone tat allows mi to snap away happily in the day so wat other best way to share my daily experiences & fotos?

neopets is kinda personal coz i play for myself & i'm the onli person hoo gets a kick out of it

now bloggin works in a slightly different manner. it's kinda similar to keeping a diary, onli due to the popularity of my blog...haha...so thick-skinned, i dun get overly personal.

of course, being the gemini tat i am, there're plenty of times when i juz wana shoot my mouth off. and HQ, tat's regardless of good or bad karma.

sometimes, i get over it. sometimes i don't. so u get some stuff tat's surprising.

but bloggin is quite one-way unless ppl are actively using the comments. tat's the biggest diff bet bloggin & emails. but even for mass emails, it's usually juz 2-3 ppl hoo respond & entertain the rest on the list.

i tink bloggin works in a similar manner. juz tat i'm the onli one hoo gets to tok. so sometimes i sound like i'm toking to myself.

besides being a diary, i treat it like a website to showcase myself. u noe, like spaces & websites tat ppl used to make for themselves. thus the numerous fotos at my profile. i am enjoying tis...haha

but i won't apologise abt the contents of my blog entries. after all, it's MY blog. if u dun like any of the postings, pls DO NOT let mi noe.

pls move on instead. merci!

after note. SHIT! it's 1 am in the morning oredi! why does the time at nite pass so quickly. and i juz dropped my fone...*heartache* ah!


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