Placement Advertising / Product Placement FLOP
i was watching 愛的掌門人 last nite. Thomas Ong & Jacelyn Tay were having a cosy picnic when Thomas gave Jacelyn a bottle of Benedictine Dom as she's such a sotong.
Ok, so he's a Sensitive New Age Guy ( SNAG ) but giving your gf Dom is like so ridiculous. I do realise tat Dom is trying to change its image from being a confinement tonic to everyday tonic for women. But the choice of gift is juz so UNREAL.
if a guy gifs mi Dom, i'll flip unless i'm expecting or have juz given birth.
of course if i'm above forty yrs old, u are welcome to gif mi Dom too coz tat's women should drink when they get slightly more mature.
if someone i noe is such a sotong, i'll buy gingko nuts which is famous for being brain food & improves memory.
yes, i am grateful to Dom for sponsoring the show & yes, i drink Dom myself & will continue to support the brand.
wat i cannot understand is how such a lame plot ended up in the show??!!
all the leads using the sponsored handfone or the leads drinking the sponsored alcohol in the show is totally acceptable to mi & looks realistic & believable. but the gift of Dom looks so 刻意 to mi tat it turns mi off instead. i feel like the scriptwriter is taking viewers as idiots hoo juz lap it up. if it had been a gift to Jacelyn's mum, i wouldn't have bat an eyelid...but of course tat may not go down well wif Dom tat is trying to appeal to younger women.
well, in my opinion, tis is one bad case of product placement being a flop.
At Wednesday, January 04, 2006 11:48:00 PM,
Livia said…
had din wif YT & her colleague Alice. told them abt the plot in the show when thomas ong gives jacelyn tay the DOM.
yesh, they oso agree tat it's strange to gif a young ger DOM. everyone noes tat DOM is for elder women & women in confinement.
YT even made the same remark as me tat thomas ong should gif the DOM to Jacelyn's mom.
well, i'm not the onli one to find it ridiculous den. they tried to hard to make DOM part of the plot & it backfired.
At Wednesday, January 04, 2006 11:56:00 PM,
Livia said…
oh, and they laffed when i said he should gif gingko nuts.
see, everyone noes tat gingko nuts is brain food not DOM.
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