everything livia


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

One Minute More

Mommy, can you give me a juice box? Please... Pretty please?"
"In just a minute."

"Mum, my shirt's wrinkled. Mind ironing it real quick?"
"I don't have a minute!"

"Where's dinner?"
"Can you give me one &#%@!$ minute?"

Sound familiar?

Apparently, minutes are a hot commodity in your house.

And you haven't got one to spare.

But seriously, we all know that in the 1,440 minutes each day, you have one or two of them at your disposal.

Today, we're asking for only 60 -- maybe 120 -- seconds of your time to try the one-minute exercise craze.

Okay, so we might've fibbed a little on the "six-pack abs in 60 seconds or less!" implied offer.

The idea behind super-short exercises is to encourage you to do them a little here, a little there, so that throughout any given day, you'll do what amounts to a solid 20-minute workout.
Still excited?

Follow the leader

If you love the idea of aerobic tapes but hate the monotony of doing the same workout over and over again after you've mastered the routine, then the 1 Minute Workout DVD is a great starting place.

You still get to have a virtual personal trainer; you still get to set up a gym in your living room; you still get to sweat and screw up with no one watching or judging; and you still get to push pause to hit the bathroom.

The only difference is that this video uses the shuffle feature of your DVD player to create a new, customized experience every time you press play.

Lead on

If you prefer being the one shuffling your own routine, try out these two-minute workout ideas.

They offer 11 ways to strengthen those biceps, triceps, quads and ever-growing glutes, all while watching TV, sitting in front of the computer or driving.

The One-Minute Challenge

Ready for more? You don't need spandex or sports bras for these 35 one-minute weight-loss secrets.

When you aren't working out, you can still work toward a better bod by dipping your bread in olive oil instead of butter, chewing gum, or using the cordless phone and walking while gabbing with friends.


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