New Yr Resolutions-crochet and blog
mi been visiting emy's site and plan to do a stocktake of my completed projects and WIP. plus i still haf SO MANY projects tat i plan to undo
future creations are as follows :
crochet tote-stunning, big enuff to hold EVERYTHING. wat a ger muz haf for sure!
plushies-i nbr thot i'll create any but i saw so many cute ones tat i can't resist!
dollie clothes for QQ's toy piggy and baby doll-she's been telling mi her piggy is freezing to death coz he's naked. and he takes residence under an IKEA stool.
and i read tis article abt y we gif our loved ones our creations. by simple assumption tat every stitch costs 1 cent, a sweater would cost $800 in labour cost and the materials are not cheap either.
thus my point abt loved ones, i would onli consider crocheting things for ppl dear to mi coz the effort is juz too great. similarly, i luv receiving handmade gifts coz the thot alone, behind the gift has made the gift priceless.
mi is making good progress on my crochet projects. i was surprised tat i actualli completed quite a few projects in 2006, off hand, i can tink of my handfone pouch (which has been made redundant now tat i switched back to my V3, anyone interested?) and YY's gameboy pouch.
mi can't wait to finish wat i've been working on over the new yr's turning out well and is one of my fav creations todate. there's the shawl tat's left wif the border and my green shrug in super thick yarn but i luv the's bright green!!
and QQ's dress which i hope i can get ard to finishing in time for CNY. the trouble is mi got no time to crochet, much less for reading and blogging. unless i take public transport to work den i'll get a precious 2 hrs to crochet while i commute.
it's becoming a challenge for mi to blog diligently since i started sleeping early. and i hope to keep my crochet blog more updated and start on my huayu blog too. haf taken some picts tdy of my completed projects so will update soon.
after i spring-cleaned my wardrobe over the new yr break, i realise tat i haf more den enuff clothing to last mi a long long time. and i m still wondering wat to do wif the bags of unwanted clothes, sell to garang guni man or salvation army or flea mkt?
so i came up wif a list of NOTs for the new yr, by mth. unused tally can be carried over to following mth...keke...i gotta make provision for shopping trips, rite?
- not more den 2 pieces of clothing
- not more den 1 makeup item
- not more den 1 skincare item
the above resolutions were made when i realised tat i've been stocking up and need to clear stock by limiting the stocks from being replenished too quickly.
i noe some ppl practise the 1 in, 1 out concept wif clothing too. the truth is owning so many garments doesn't even mean tat it's a fashion parade 365 days a yr. tink i can narrow dwn my most wore clothing to less den 30 pieces. so the rest are juz taking up precious wardrobe space.
bro is a lot more disciplined when it comes to wardrobe maintenance coz he threw out so many brand new clothing wif tags intact. i beli heartpain coz some of the clothing are gifts from mi when i travel...sob sob but he told mi frankly tat he'll nbr wear them. faint! anyway, i became garang guni and went thru his discarded clothes and picked up a few tat i can't bear to throw away.
plus, i had a bright idea in the shower last nite. i haf a plan now for my dream lappy bag tat i haf been searching in vain for, for ages.
At Thursday, January 04, 2007 9:34:00 AM,
wiffy said…
all these resources about knit/crochet are driving me crazy! me wanna learn! me can't wait already! Let's start asap (b4 this fleeted passion of mine waned =x)
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