marie et moi both skipped b/f on thurs so we decided to get a quick bite at 11. she had club sandwiches from cypress while i settled for bk's of my all time fav.
having eaten so late, we couldn't take any lunch and marie et steve left for a client's place.
i happily worked till around 3 when i had a hunger attack. i could feely my stomach growling & rumbling. it was den tat i realised there's nuthing to eat at the concourse. at least nuthing good for a quick bite. i called hq & complained how hungry i was feeling. she suggested 汤圆 at army mkt but too far leh.
i really miss the food at hitachi badly so i sent hq & su sin tis sms :
i miss the or kueh and chee cheong fun at arcade
i miss the fish ball noodles from arcade
i miss the ang ku kuek from oub centre
i miss han's sandwich
they both told mi to get a job at hitachi den...sometimes i really wish...sigh.
in the end, i decided to go downstairs & mayb grab some monkey bread from starbucks.
i ended up at keypoint & was comtemplating whether to haf some 水饺汤. walked to the foodcourt & succumbed to the temptation of bah choh mee wif extra vinegar & chilli.
i didn't ask for less mee pok & thot the serving a little too much. but 15 mins later, i had gobbled down everything.
see how clean my bowl is? feeling very full & satisfied too.
At Sunday, January 15, 2006 1:00:00 AM,
Alan Teo said…
arh...u r supposed to take pic before u start eating leh....haha
At Tuesday, January 17, 2006 6:33:00 PM,
Livia said…
haha...i fainting from hunger leh...basically i gobbled up the food when it arrived. i was done in ard 10 mins!
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